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GPC1 General Purpose Controller Board, 5.5 x 5.5 x 0.063 Inches

The GPC1 is a bare printed circuit board that can be used to build the GPC1 controller. Please refer to the GPC1 Overview (see downloads below) for a description and features. The GPC1 is fully documented and can be assembled in a few hours by someone with soldering skills and knowledge of electronic hardware. The new OS1 program tests all the functions of the GPC1 board and acts as a mini operating system by running in the background with user programs to read and display time, set and control the alarm time, control the keyboard, control the ADC/DAC to display input power voltage and user data, and control the sound and LCD backlight features.

A free download of FlashMagic, which is capable ofprogramming the GPC1 directly from a PC with a serial port, is available at Embedded Systems Academy.

Not RoHS compliant.

Weight: 2 oz.
Unit price $7.50 Contact us for ordering information.
Free Downloads for CSB-55-GPC1
GPC1_Schematic.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Schematic
GPC1_Overview.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Overview
GPC1_Operation_Guide.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Operation Guide
GPC1_Assembly_Guide.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Assembly Guide
GPC1_Parts_List.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Parts List
GPC1_Alternative_Configurations.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Alternative Configurations
GPC1_Component_Locater.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Component Locater
GPC1_Real_Time_Clock_Selection.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Real-Time Clock Selection
BreakGen.zip > DOWNLOAD
Windows program for generating breaks in the RS-232 output to the the GPC1 to remotely reset the mcu or put it in the program mode. This program is optional since the GPC1 ON switch can also be used to reset the MCU or put it in the program mode.
Mini operating system which provides capability to display time, set and control the built-in alarm, and control hardware (keyboard, ADC/DAC, sound, and LCD backlight).
GPC1_bare.jpg > DOWNLOAD
High-resolution image of bare PCB.
GPC1_front.jpg > DOWNLOAD
High-resolution image of the front side of assembled GPC1.
GPC1_rear.jpg > DOWNLOAD
High-resolution image of the rear side of assembled GPC1.
GPC1_enclosed.jpg > DOWNLOAD
High-resolution image of assembled and enclosed GPC1.
GPC1_images.zip > DOWNLOAD
All high-resolution images of GPC1 in a ZIP file.
GPC1_Afterword.pdf > DOWNLOAD
GPC1 Design Review.
GPC1_OS1_Program.pdf > DOWNLOAD
Operation Guide for OS1 program.

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